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- In Case With Grace: October 2024
In Case With Grace: October 2024

I’m back! September was a pretty rough month for me, including a computer death, and health issues! By the time I get my bearings again, it was too late in the month to consider writing the newsletter. So, we’re doing a duo month issue again!
The wheels keep spinning! I’ve done some rad work I’m proud of these past two months, and even had my work included in a gallery exhibition!
These last two months, I…
Wrote a short story!
Did a lil design experiment.
Launched a 1 page TTRPG book club— replete with a logo!
Wrote a new lore entry for GUTGUN, currently available for patrons to read early. Not a patron? Sign up here!
Continued work on the current personal piece. (Yes really. It’s taking a long time! There’s a lot of detail!) Patrons can see the WIP every week as I chip away at it!
Wrapped up phase 1 playtesting for GUTGUN!
Designed EPISODE 2 for GUTGUN! (This took up the bulk of my non-work time!)
Drew a couple doodles.
Wrote another hypoem.
Commission: Designed a wine label/logo!
Commission: Designed a fictional union logo/card!

Cool Things
I’m always looking for new comics to read, and at the recommendation of a friend, I started reading Paul Chadwick’s Concrete. I devoured the original 10 issues in a week, this comic is absolutely wonderful. It’s one of those sorts that’s weird and contemplative, contrasting the absurd with the mundane. Life is strange, and then it goes on.
In Concrete, you have a setup perfect for a superhero— but this isn’t a superhero story. Mild mannered political speechwriter Ronald Lithgow is kidnapped by aliens, has his brain transferred into an alien body, and then escapes. The aliens disappear, never to be seen again. Life goes on. Ron does not use his newfound strength, durability, or incredible eyesight for feats of heart-stopping heroism. Rather, as a writer, he wishes simply to explore the world and write of his travels.
Of course, having an intimidating, stony facade makes it difficult to go anywhere without drawing attention. Much of the comic is spent mulling over and appreciating the little things. Friends. Family. Natural beauty.
The art is GORGEOUS, and Concrete includes some of the best paneling work I’ve ever seen. Some spreads are particularly clever and awe-inspiring. I’m still going over the TPBs, now, and for anyone who’d want to pick it up— I’d suggest starting with the first TPB, rather than the initial 10 issues, as it includes later comics that occur between some of them.
BLAME! is an oppressive, visually striking manga that takes place in a far-future Earth, which is now dominated by an encumenopolis, which contains hundreds of layers that reach unfathomable depths. Between the bombastic action, there’s a lot of quiet time spent as the protagonist attempts to navigate behemoth structures as he aims to reach the top layer of the city.
It’s a very atmospheric story, with a plot that leaves a lot unanswered— very much something in my zone.
Satisfactory 1.0
I first started playing Satisfactory in early access a couple years ago, and even then, it was an engrossing game. My brain gets hooked on the logistics of factory building all too easily! It had some rough edges, but what EA game doesn’t? Despite that, it quickly became one of my favorites.
Now, finally, the game has had its full release— and it exceeds expectations! From tiny quality of life adjustments, to massive things like the inclusion of the game’s story— which is cleverly presented in a way that doesn’t disrupt the game in any way whatsoever, and is quite entertaining— every inch of Satisfactory tells you that this game was a labor of love.
It’s a factory building game with one of the best first person movement systems I’ve ever played with, A FACTORY BUILDING GAME! Not an FPS or action game! Factory building! They didn’t need to go that hard on it but they did! And it’s appreciated!
Each month I provide a prompt to inspire you to create something in any medium you like!
This month’s prompt: An open door.
Readers can share their work in the #sharing-grounds channel on my Discord server!
Interested in a commission? Contact me!